August Divercity: Neighbours, sharing, craft and connecting

Edunity Divercity cover August 2013 City of Port PhillipDivercity readers are a happy bunch

In the April/May issue we ran a reader survey to see what you thought of our magazine. We received 280 survey responses and it seems that you like us (excellent to good 87.3%). You thought paper ruled over online (91.2%) and your favourite part was Neighbourhood News (78.3%). Thank you to those who took the time to help us provide a better community newsletter. Winners of the Readings vouchers will be notified by mail.

Read the latest Divercity now

Edunity talks to illustrator Sarah Davis

The evolution of Sammy and Frances

Sarah Davis is a Sydney-based illustrator who has been producing eye-catching pictures for Edunity for a just over four years, and has played a major role in the evolution of our much-loved Western Water mascots Sammy the Snake and Frances the Frog. Edunity spoke to Sarah to get a picture of what goes into a great illustration.

How has your process/technique in producing Sammy/Frances images changed over the years? Have you found that modern software has been helpful?
Edunity originally approached me to give Sammy and his froggy friend Frances a bit of a modern makeover. It was interesting taking someone else’s designs and trying to reinvent characters that had already been created. I tried to retain all the original elements, but give them more expressive personalities and open friendly faces. Sammy is a tricky character because he’s part snake- part garden hose, and I had to try and make that look natural! And in the case of Freddy the frog, he needed to undergo a gender change and become Frances! The original Sammy and Frances were hand drawn, but my versions were produced digitally, usually as vector graphics, which means the images can be used for a wider range of purposes.

What are the most important considerations for you when producing a set of illustrations?
For a job like this, kid-appeal is important, as we want Sammy and Frances to be good role models for water conservation – and if kids don’t warm to them, they won’t want to be like them! So they had to be personable and friendly. From a technical point of view, the end use of the illustration is important – whether it’s intended for use on a wide range of merchandise, or a print book, whether it’s destined for one colour or 4 colour printing… that sort of thing.

Do you have a favourite Sammy or Frances illustration?
I like Frances in the shower for some reason – I think the idea of a frog in swimmers is kind of hilarious.

Sarah Davis works in a wide range of areas, including commercial illustration for advertising, film, editorial publishing, and toy design. To learn more about her work visit

Sammy and Frances evolve: a timeline

1Sammy the scientist2sherlock

Original pictures, created in 2005, show Sammy without his trigger nozzle.

4Comments to three new poses - 240107

Sarah was asked to ‘reinvent’ Sammy and Frances to keep up modern water saving trends, and to keep a wider range of students engaged.


Recent illustrations have employed the use of imaging software to assist with colouring and layers.

sammyfrancesaveshower8Sammy 1b

This year Sarah produced a set of new images for our Sammy and Frances Save Water big book for preschool children.

Go west, go rail say pt4me2

Sign the petition to prioritise Melbourne Metro rail over the Eastern road tunnel



Melbourne Metro is the key to expanding Melbourne’s rail network, enabling new lines and more frequent services across the city.

Without Melbourne Metro

  • There can be NO new lines to Doncaster, Monash Rowville, Tullamarine or the new suburb of Fishermans Bend
  • Passengers will be left behind at stations as trains reach peak-hour capacity



The  proposed Western Link from the Port of Melbourne to the Western Ring Road offers a freight transport alternative to the West Gate Bridge, moving trucks off suburban streets and the projected expansion of the Port of Melbourne.

Without the Western Link

  • Truck numbers in inner West suburban streets will continue to grow
  • The expansion of the Port of Melbourne will be limited.

Support our campaign if you want:

> More frequent trains and new lines to Doncaster, Monash-Rowville and Tullamarine

> Fewer trucks on suburban streets, especially in the inner West

> Employment and economic benefits from major infrastructure projects

> Better road and public transport for Melbourne




Work! It’s an experience wraps up in Melbourne

Year 10s can be a fickle bunch. But their reception of our drama about first jobs has really blown us away.

With 23 performances to over 2,500 students Work! It’s an experience has been an exciting and sometimes nerve-racking introduction to producing a drama incursion and workshop to secondary schools.

Thanks to everyone who was involved in making the May season such a great success. Red Stitch Actors Theatre cast members Tim Potter, Rosie Lockhart and Chrissy O’Neill; writer Peter Houghton; director Anne Browning and stage manager Melissa McNab.

Kudos to Bartholomew Walsh our wonderful MC who kept the questions flowing in our workshop Q and A and to our generous panel guests who answered some tricky questions from students.

ACTU Worksite for Schools also wishes to thank the following unions for their support ACTU, SDA, United Voice, AEU, VIEU and Victorian Trades Hall Council.

We are working on making the incursions available to regional areas of Victoria in 2014.
To enquire about the play for your students, call Kim Hall at Edunity on 9534 2833 or email [email protected]

It was perfect. The actors were incredible in their delivery of a very relevant issue to our students.I have strongly recommended we include this event in our curriculum in 2014.

Barbara Smith, Work Education Coordinator, Patterson River Secondary College

It was terrific – important messages delivered in a very entertaining way.

Angela Moylan, Careers Coordinator, University High School.

A very worthwhile presentation, which highlighted a range of important issues in an entertaining and accessible manner.

Margaret Rooney, Careers Pathways Coordinator, Our Lady of Sion College, Box Hill

We really liked the play and thought it was very funny! It was informative about different situations faced at work.

Year 10 student at Sacred Heart Girls College, Oakleigh.


Latest Divercity celebrates every family

The June/July Divercity celebrates every family. From ballet bubs to the new Bubup Nairm Childrens’ Centre, Divercity looks at some ways that families are making the most of living in Port Phillip. Readers can win one of three Luna Park family passes by telling us about their favourite playground in Port Phillip. Read Divercity from your letterbox or online here

Divercity June/July 2013 cover

The June/July edition of Divercity celebrates every family.


FloodSafe Awareness game launched for the Victorian State Emergency Service

Floodwater is dangerous, play the FloodSafe game to find out why.

Playing in floodwater exposes your kids to more than just the risks of drowning. Edunity have produced an online game for kids to discover what’s lurking in the murk as part of FloodSafe Awareness Week 2013.

Using a magnifying glass, kids get an underwater view of what’s down there in the floodwater. With a 60 second time players have to identify the hazards coming down the river. Catch a rotten branch, a dead animal or something even… smellier.

Illustrating perfectly the key messages of hidden hazards in floodwater, the game is accessible on computers, smartphones or tablet devices and its fast pace makes it appealing to children of all ages.

Alongside the game Edunity have produced a set of lesson plans for Victorian teachers from Prep – Year 8 with linking support materials, worksheets and AusVELS connections.

Discover what’s lurking in the murk, play the game here. Angela scored 235 see if you can beat her!

If you would like more detail or a quote on a similar project please call Kim on (03) 9534 2833 or email [email protected]

Special needs discounts now available for WORK! play

Thanks to the support of sponsors, we are able to offer a limited number of special needs discounts. The discount is offered at two levels, a reduced fee of $500 plus GST or free. Use this form to apply for a special needs discount.


Red Stitch Actors Theatre and the ACTU have combined to bring an exciting drama about work as an incursion to schools in Term 2

The play, WORK! It’s an experience, explores the ups and downs of getting your first job. It follows the progress of three newbies as they figure out where they fit in the world of work.

Tim’s new boss is cool, but wants to pay him cash-in-hand. Sonja’s not sure if her new co-worker is a bit bitchy or a real bully, while Ngaire has a boss that’s a touch too friendly.  With lots of laughs and a little pathos, Work! It’s an experience brings real workplace situations to life and encourages young people to speak up if something is not right.

Written by actor and playwright Peter Hougton, the play brings a cast of young actors from Red Stitch together in a fast paced drama written specifically for Years 9 and 10.

The play is being offered to schools in tandem with a panel discussion about employee rights and responsibilities featuring employer and union representatives.

WORK! It’s an experience is being offered to schools for a strictly limited season in Melbourne and Geelong from 6 May. The incursion costs $1500 plus GST. To book or get more information, call Edunity 9534 2833 or visit

ACTU Worksite for Schools is sponsored by the AEU, IEU and other unions.


Prepare your students for work experience

Tim, Sonja and Ngaire perform Work! It's an experience by Peter Houghton.

We’ve got together with the ACTU and Red Stitch Actors Theatre to create a fast-paced, informative drama and discussion panel about getting and keeping your first job.

Work! It’s an experience comes to your school, with all actors, props and panel guests.

The play highlights different issues that students may face within their first working experience, including correct pay and conditions, safe and fair workplace, getting skills and dealing with bullying.

Students will:

    • Learn how to deal with tricky work situations.


    • Get the opportunity to ask questions and share their experiences with an expert panel.


    • Learn about employer expectations and their responsibilities.


    • Learn about their rights to correct pay and conditions, a safe and fair workplace, getting skills and dealing with bullying.



With a limited season in May 2013, book your incursion now to avoid disappointment.


Call 9534 2833, email [email protected] or visit

How to make an online game

Country Fire Authority flash games - Save the Building screenshot


Ever wondered what the process for designing an interactive game is?

1. Firstly the concept needs to be decided and fleshed out in the form of a brief.

2. From there alongside the client we story board each scene or sequence, detailing the activity, scripting the actions and characters as well as working out how the audience will use the controls.

3. Once the brief, storyboard and sequence of events has been written and signed off an illustrator is engaged to bring all the characters to life and a programmer to build the game to spec.

4. Each games is broken down into multiple stages, each of which are tested extensively to ensure all the interactive elements work instinctively and each scenario is makes sense in the context of the entire game.

Have a play now!

Creating online games for the Country Fire Authority

Here at Edunity we can pretty much do anything thrown our way – we particularly love working on new media projects and this one we designed for the CFA was tremendously fun.

We developed four new games for the Country Fire Authority website to communicate some of the key fire safe messages to kids in a fun way. The games incorporated the cute and furry cast of Australian native animal mascots Captain Koala, Neville Numbat and Wozza Wombat as well as CFA volunteers James and Sophie.

The four games focused on the messages of

• dialling 000 in an emergency
• making a home fire escape plan
• protective clothing worn by CFA volunteers
• the importance of having working smoke alarms.

The games also give children a valuable insight into what CFA volunteers do.

Have a play yourself and tell us what you think!